We present below information on current issues in RUBATEC:


The Tarragona City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for "Works included in the project to improve public lighting in the Tarragona City Park"







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The Vielha e Mijaran City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract “Renovation of the outdoor public lighting installations of Vielha e Mijaran and replacement with LED technology including remote management”







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Barcelona City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for "the works of a photovoltaic installation for self-consumption on the roof of the Sants Market"







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The Aigües Costa Brava Girona Consortium awarded RUBATEC the contract for "the installation and maintenance work of photovoltaic solar panels in the drinking water treatment stations of the Aigües Costa Brava Girona Consortium, Lot-3: for self-consumption and maintenance in the ETAP Tossa-Lloret de Mar southern zone"







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Barcelona City Council awards RUBATEC the "contract for the mobility adaptation works on the Alta de las Roquetes highway"






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BIMSA awards RUBATEC within the Endreça Plan "the Framework Agreement for the contracting of surface maintenance works in public space in Barcelona Lot 5: Horta-Guinardó"






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The City Council of La Roca del Vallès awards RUBATEC the contract for the works contemplated in the “Executive project for the photovoltaic installation on the roof of the Roca del Vallès Municipal Sports Center and in the Executive project for the photovoltaic installation on the roof of the Pilar Mestres – Jaume Torrens de la Roca del Vallès school”






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Infraestructures.cat awards RUBATEC the contract for "the execution of the extraordinary conservation works. Relocation of the wiring of the tunnel's security facilities by Amadeu Torner. Highway C-31 Section: L'Hospitalet de Llobregat"





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Infraestructures.cat awards RUBATEC the contract for “the execution of the dismantling works of the toll area of the C-32 north highway. Improvement of energy efficiency, reduction of emissions and self-generation of solar energy of the San Pol and Santa Susanna tunnel (Lot 2)”




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Infraestructuras.cat awards RUBATEC the contract for: "execution of the rehabilitation works and improvement of the energy efficiency of the CAP Chafarinas in Barcelona"




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CCHA, the Heritage Management Area of the Catalan Cultural Heritage Agency of the Generalitat of Catalonia, has awarded RUBATEC "lot 2 of the administrative contract for the execution of the work to improve the installation of air conditioning systems in the Museum buildings of Archeology of Catalonia (MAC-BCN) and the Museum of History of Catalonia".




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B:SM, Barcelona Municipal Services awards RUBATEC "the contract related to the renovation works of two nursing rooms at the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona"



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BIMSA awards RUBATEC a contract “works relating to the executive project of the completely children's play area accessible to the Celestina Vigneaux gardens to the Sants-Montjuic district of Barcelona”.


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Port of Barcelona awards RUBATEC the cleaning service for APB buildings








The Port of Barcelona has awarded RUBATEC the cleaning service for the auxiliary buildings and other areas of the Port Authority of Barcelona. (+info)

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B:SM awards RUBATEC closure works for the Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium






B:SM, Barcelona Municipal Services, has awarded RUBATEC the contract related to the works for placing the fixed and mobile perimeter protection closure outside the southern area of the Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium facility in Barcelona. (+info)

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Infraestructures.cat awards RUBATEC works for the deployment of optical fiber




Infraestructures.cat has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the execution of the works for the deployment of optical fiber in the section of Sanaüja - Sta. Mª del Castell - Biosca - Taüll - Vicfred. (+info)

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The Sant Just City Council awards RUBATEC the maintenance of public roads and buildings. Lots 1 and 2




The Sant Just City Council has awarded RUBATEC Lot 1: maintenance and work on public roads and Lot 2: maintenance and work on municipal facilities and buildings. (+info)

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BARCELONA COUNCIL has awarded RUBATEC the opening of ditch lining Lot 2





The Infrastructure and Territory Area of the BARCELONA DIPUTATION has awarded RUBATEC the works for the ditch lining project and improvement of margins on several provincial roads, year 2024, Lot 2 - Occidental Vilafranca Norte. (+info)

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MMBB awards RUBATEC air conditioning reform of the Sant Gervasi Market








MMBB, Municipal Institute of Markets of Barcelona, has awarded RUBATEC the contract for works to reform the air conditioning system of the Sant Gervasi Market in Barcelona. (+info)

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The Amer City Council awards RUBATEC photovoltaic installations in the Can Bolas and Retirement Home building



The Amer City Council has awarded RUBATEC the supply and installation contracts for the 9.60 kWp photovoltaic installation on the roof of the Can Bolas building and 4 kWp on the roof of the Amer Retirement Home (Girona). (+info)

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TRAGSA awards RUBATEC Fiber Optic connection works in Catalonia - Lot 5





TRAGSA, TRANSFORMACIÓN AGRARIA, S.A., has awarded RUBATEC the optical fiber channelling and installation work for the action “Drafting of projects and execution of connection works to the public optical fiber network in certain reference centers in Catalonia” -Lot 5, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the European Union -NextGenerationEU. (+info)

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B:SM awards RUBATEC electrical installation renovation to Palau Sant Jordi






B:SM, Barcelona Municipal Services, has awarded RUBATEC the renovation work contract for the installation of low voltage support between the runway electrical transformers of the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona. (+info)

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Gencat awards RUBATEC maintenance of Department of the Presidency units






The Department of the Presidency of the Generalitat of Catalonia has awarded RUBATEC the service contract for repair, conservation, maintenance and adaptation of the construction elements, as well as modification actions of the existing facilities in the buildings and administrative units attached to the Department of the Lot-2 Presidency. (+info)

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Municipal Institute of Markets awards RUBATEC air conditioning reform of the Sant Martí Market







The Municipal Institute of Markets of Barcelona has awarded RUBATEC the contract for works to reform the air conditioning system of the Barcelona Sant Martí Market. (+info)

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Municipal Institute of Markets awards RUBATEC air conditioning reform of the Marina Market








The Municipal Institute of Markets of Barcelona has awarded RUBATEC the contract for works to reform the air conditioning system of the Barcelona Marina Market. (+info)

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The Viladecavalls City Council awards RUBATEC a public lighting contract







The Viladecavalls City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the supply of public lighting elements for Stage 1 of Action 2 to correct deficiencies in the public lighting of Viladecavalls, within the scope of action of Phase 3 of renewal of LED lights. (+info)

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The Òdena City Council awards RUBATEC photovoltaic solar installations







The Òdena City Council has awarded RUBATEC the work: Mixed supply and works contract consisting of photovoltaic solar installations for collective self-consumption located at the Castell de Òdena School Institute, in the Fraternal Center and in the Plan de Òdena Civic Center. (+info)

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CSSB awards RUBATEC WWTP installation in SANT CUGAT




The Barcelona Social Services Consortium has awarded RUBATEC the execution of the works for the installation project of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the "Mas Pins" Reception Center in Sant Cugat del Vallès. (+info)

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RUBATEC in the 34th edition of the ETSEIB Forum

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B:SM award RUBATEC the maintenance of charging points for electric vehicles




B:SM has awarded RUBATEC the contract related to the comprehensive maintenance service of the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in the B:SM Group premises (PDRs Off Street) and public roads (PDRs On Street) managed by Barcelona de Servicios Municipales, S.A.(+info)

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B:SM awards RUBATEC accessibility improvements in the Olympic Ring







B:SM, Barcelona Municipal Services, has awarded RUBATEC the contract to improve accessibility around the Olympic Ring complex. (+info)

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Infraestructures.cat has awarded RUBATEC an energy improvement contract at the Mossos Police Station in Lleida







Infraestructures.cat has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the rehabilitation, improvement of energy efficiency and installation of photovoltaic panels at the Mossos d'Esquadra Police Station in Lleida. (+info)

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Infraestructures.cat has awarded RUBATEC the energy management contract for the Mossos Complex








Infraestructures.cat has awarded RUBATEC (UTE COMPLEJO CENTRAL), the conservation and maintenance service contract and energy management and environmental improvement of the Central Complex of the Mossos d'Esquadra. (+info)

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ATL awards RUBATEC replacement of flowmeters







ATL, Ter-Llobregat Water Supply Entities, has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the replacement of ATL's billing flowmeters for compliance with order ICT155/2020. Lot-1 North Zone and Lot-2 South Zone. (+info)

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The City Council of Santa Coloma de Gramanet awards RUBATEC a lighting contract





The City Council of Santa Coloma de Gramenet has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the supply and installation of public lighting luminaires in the municipality of Santa Coloma de Gramenet. (+info)

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Barcelona City Council awards RUBATEC the "We Open Streets" contract Lot 2






Barcelona City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract: Services derived from the operational management work of the city of Barcelona (2023-2025) "We Open Streets" Lot 2. Which has the purpose of security devices, including measures safety to take especially every weekend. (+info)

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The ASPB awards RUBATEC a building maintenance contract




The Public Health Agency has awarded RUBATEC the contract for Comprehensive Maintenance services for the buildings and equipment of the ASPB. (+info)

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The Calaf City Council awards RUBATEC the renovation of public lighting, lot-3.








The Calaf City Council has awarded RUBATEC the mixed supply and works contract for the renovation and improvement of outdoor public lighting. Lot-3. (+info)

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The Tossa de Mar City Council awards RUBATEC the implementation of photovoltaic panels in the municipal pavilion







The Tossa de Mar City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract, based on a framework agreement, consisting of the implementation of photovoltaic solar panels on a collective self-consumption basis with compensation for surpluses and energy accumulation in the municipal pavilion of Tossa de Mar. (+info)

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The Hospitalet City Council awards RUBATEC lighting reinforcement and improvement works











The Hospitalet City Council has awarded RUBATEC the works contract corresponding to the executive project of the lighting reinforcement and improvement works in a series of locations in the city. (+info)

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Infraestructures.cat awards RUBATEC works RAM 2023, Territ. Serv. In Barcelona-regions (II)













Infraestructures.cat has awarded RUBATEC the execution of the RAM 2023 works to the Territorial Services in Barcelona-regions (II): Rosselló Porcell School - Joan Salvat Papasseit School, project update (Santa Coloma de Gramenet) and Rosselló Porcell School - Joan School Salvat Papasseit (Santa Coloma de Gramenet). (+info)

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The City Council of Calldetenes awards RUBATEC a contract for the installation of photovoltaic panels -Lot1










The Calldetenes City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the supply and installation of self-consumption photovoltaic panels for several municipal facilities. Lot1. (+info)

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The Barcelona Science Park awards RUBATEC a lighting system replacement contract






The Barcelona Science Park Foundation, University of Barcelona has awarded RUBATEC the contract for works to replace the lighting system in the hallways of the Helix P2 and P3 Building, the lobbies of Las Torres R, Y, D (all levels) and corridor P1 of the Laboratory Cluster of the Barcelona Scientific Park Foundation. (+info)

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B:SM awards RUBATEC 8 Bicing stations in Barcelona.









Barcelona Municipal Services has awarded RUBATEC the contract corresponding to the works related to the executive project for the implementation of 8 Bicing stations located in various parts of the city of Barcelona.  (+info)

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MAB awards the UTE RUBATEC – MATINSA the conditioning of bridges in Sant Adrià de Besòs





The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona has awarded the UTE PONTS RONDA LITORAL (UTE RUBATEC – MATINSA) the contract for the conditioning works of the bridges of the Ronda del Litoral B-10 over the C-31 in Sant Adrià de Besòs.  (+info)

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MAB awards the RUBATEC-ADYMUS TUC the energy services contract Lot-1







The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona has awarded the RUBATEC-ADYMUS TUC (SERVEIS INTEGRALS DE MANTENIMENT RUBATEC and ADYMUS ENERGY SL) the service consisting of the reduction of energy consumption in municipal buildings and facilities through a model energy services contract, through the design, financing, execution, operation and maintenance with full guarantee of photovoltaic solar installations -Lot 1.  (+info)

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AMB awards RUBATEC the installation of “fotolineras”, Lots 1 and 2




The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona has awarded RUBATEC the file to proceed with the mixed contracting of the supply and services consisting of the acquisition of 20 “fotolineras” installations, Lot 1 and 2, in the municipalities of: Badia del Vallès, Barberà del Vallès, Begues, Catellbisbal, Cerdanyola, Cervelló, Corbera de Llobregat, El Papiol, El Prat de Llobregat, Gavà, La Palma de Cervelló, Molins de Rei, Pallejà, Ripollet, Sant Joan Despí, Sant Just Desvern, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Santa Coloma of Gramanet, Tiana and Torrelles de Llobregat.  (+info)

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CHS awards RUBATEC the air conditioning work contract for Adrià PCC











The Catalan Health Institute has awarded RUBATEC the construction contract for the replacement of the air conditioning production of the Adrià Primary Care Center of the Primary Care Management and in the Community of Barcelona City, of the Catalan Health Institute. (+info)

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The Housing Agency of Catalonia awards RUBATEC the housing adaptation service for Lot 2, zone B2











The Housing Agency of Catalonia of the Generalitat of Catalonia has awarded RUBATEC Lot 2 - zone B2, for the housing adaptation service of different groups and promotions of the Housing Agency of Catalonia and the corresponding housing maintenance services and preventive and corrective maintenance of sewage, pest control and pressure groups of all existing developments in the regions of Anoia, Alt Penedès, Baix Llobregat, Garraf, Berguedà and Bages. (+info)

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Reus City Council awards RUBATEC the improvement of public lighting












The Reus City Council has awarded RUBATEC Lot B: public lighting renovation and improvement contract-annual 2023, of the tender for the contracting of public lighting renovation and improvement works. (+info)


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CACH awards maintenance contract to RUBATEC - Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4








The Catalan Agency for Cultural Heritage of the Generalitat of Catalonia has awarded RUBATEC the contract for comprehensive conservation and maintenance services, energy management and improvement environmental of the Catalan Agency for Cultural Heritage in Barcelona, Lleida, Tarragona and Girona - Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. (+info)


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Martorell City Council awards RUBATEC the installation of solar panels












The Martorell City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the installation of photovoltaic solar panels for the Martorell Municipal Library. (+info)


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Port Vell awards RUBATEC adaptation of fords









The Port Vell Urban Development Management of the Barcelona Port Authority has awarded RUBATEC the construction project to adapt several fords with tactile pavements in Port Vell. (+info)


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Infraestructures.cat awards RUBATEC fiber optic deployment in Lleida, Tarragona and Girona


Infraestructures.cat has awarded RUBATEC the execution of the fiber optic network deployment works in the provinces of:

-Lleida, phase 10. Sections Agramunt – Coscó – Riudovelles – Cervera and branches L-303 and L-304.

-Tarragona. Sections: Ulldecona – Alcanar / Santa Barbarà – La Galera / Deltebre – Camarles.

-Girona, phase 11 network between Campany – Garriguella. (+info)


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Infraestructures.cat awards RUBATEC the deployment of optical fiber in Lleida, zone B








Infraestructures.cat has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the execution of the optical fiber deployment works, in the province of Lleida zone B phase 7, section C-14 Peramola – C-14 Tiurana. (+info)


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B:SM awards RUBATEC the adaptation of spaces for Bicipark




B:SM, Barcelona Municipal Services has awarded RUBATEC the work contract for the metal closure and adaptation of space in the Sant Andreu Teatre, Gracia Motos, Bilbao Llull and Travessera de Dalt car parks to build the Bicipark. (+info)


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Barcelona City Council awards RUBATEC resurfacing works in Travessera de Les Corts








Barcelona City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for resurfacing works on the mountain side sidewalk of Travessera de Les Corts, between Calle Les Corts and Gran Vía Carles III, in the District of Les Corts, with public procurement measures sustainable. (+info)


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Barcelona City Council awards RUBATEC the contract for the installation and maintenance of street signs








The Operations and Systems Directorate of the Barcelona City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the installation services of the marble plaques that indicate the name of the streets and spaces of the city of Barcelona, the removal of those that are damaged or obsolete, as well as the ordinary cleaning and/or restoration of the signage of those that need it and other associated services, with sustainable public procurement measures. (+info)


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The Santa Coloma City Council awards RUBATEC a public lighting contract







The Santa Coloma de Gramenet City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the supply and installation of public lighting fixtures in Santa Coloma de Gramenet Lot-1. (+info)


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Sabadell City Council awards RUBATEC a contract for energy improvement works






Sabadell City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for energy improvement works for Sabadell municipal kits: Technical project for energy improvement of the lighting of the Nueva Cruz Alta football stadium, Sabadell. Stadium lighting. (+info)


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B:SM awards RUBATEC the Framework Agreement for rehabilitation works Lots 3 and 5












B:SM, Barcelona Municipal Services, has awarded RUBATEC the Framework Agreement for the execution of rehabilitation, improvement and major maintenance works for the facilities managed by Barcelona de Servicios Municipales, S.A., Parque de Atracciones del Tibidabo, S.A. and Cemeteries of Barcelona. Lots 3 and 5. (+info)


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ATL awards RUBATEC works in the ATL distribution network. Phase I








ATL, Ter-Llobregat Water Supply Entity, has awarded RUBATEC the works contract for the sectorization of ATL's distribution network. Phase I (South Zone: Penedès-Garraf). (+info)


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TMB awards RUBATEC lighting maintenance Sagrera station









BMT, Barcelona Metropolitan Transport has awarded RUBATEC the corrective maintenance contract for the lighting at Sagrera L9 station, L5 and L1 lobbies. (+info)


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CHI awards RUBATEC a contract for the installation of hot/cold machines in the Reus CAP















CHI, the Catalan Health Institute has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the installation of cooling machines and heat pumps in the CAP Libertad de Reus of the Catalan Health Institute. (+info)


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The Santa Coloma City Council awards RUBATEC a public lighting installation contract








The Santa Coloma de Gramenet City Council has awarded RUBATEC an environmentally sustainable contract for the supply and installation of public lighting fixtures in Santa Coloma de Gramenet Lot-1. (+info)


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The Castelldefels City Council awards RUBATEC a maintenance contract for municipal buildings








The Castelldefels City Council has awarded RUBATEC the maintenance service contract for electrical installations, air conditioning, heating, sanitary hot water, plumbing, intercom, and structured cabling of the buildings and municipal offices of the Castelldefels City Council and the Shooting Gallery located in the building of the Local Police of Castelldefels Lot-1. (+info)


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AMB awards RUBATEC the construction of a new water intake in Sant Boi






AMB, Área Metropolitana of Barcelona has awarded RUBATEC the works of the Ordinary Municipal Works Project for the construction of a new groundwater intake and a groundwater network for the supply of irrigation and street cleaning to the Salinas & Fonollar industrial estate in Sant Boi de Llobregat. (+info)


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Castellnou City Council awards RUBATEC photovoltaic solar installations






The Castellnou de Bages City Council has awarded RUBATEC the works contract, for the works contained in the executive projects, for photovoltaic solar installations for self-consumption in municipal buildings and facilities. (+info)


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ZAL Port awards RUBATEC placement of Bike Lane separators






ZAL Port has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the supply and placement of rubber separators for bike lanes on the road at ZAL Port. (+info)


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Barcelona City Council awards RUBATEC the burying of service lines Lot-3









Barcelona City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the works corresponding to civil works for the burying of service lines in the districts of Horta-Guinardó and Sarriá-San Gervasio with sustainable public contracting measures Lot-3 (Crossing of Gracia, Garrotxa and Marí). (+info)


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Infraestructures.cat awards RUBATEC fibre optic network to Lleida









Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, SAU has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the execution of the fiber optic trunk network works in the province of Lleida F1b. Phase - Section The Soleràs - Les Borges Blanques. (+info)


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The Mollet del Vallés City Council awards RUBATEC a public pavement work contract




The Mollet del Vallés City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the repair, conservation and maintenance of pavements and elements of the public thoroughfare in Mollet del Vallés. (+info)


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The City Council of San Fost de Campsentelles awards RUBATEC a contract to improve sidewalks






The San Fost de Campsentelles City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract to improve several municipal sidewalks, for the renovation of their surface layer, in the municipality of San Fost de Campsentelles. (+info)


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At the end of 2022, the UTE MATINSA-RUBATEC Joint Venture has started the Barcelona Ring Road Maintenance Contract, which will last until the end of 2027. BMA, AtBarcelona Metropolitan Area. (+info)

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CACH awards RUBATEC the cleaning of its centers in Barcelona








The Catalan Agency for Cultural Heritage of the Generalitat of Catalonia, has awarded RUBATEC the administrative contract for the execution of the cleaning service for the centers of the Catalan Agency for Cultural Heritage in the province of Barcelona. (+info)


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ICS awards RUBATEC the reform of the 1st floor of PCC Rambla de Sant Feliu












The Catalan Health Institute, CHI, awards RUBATEC the renovation work on the 1st floor of the ICS Rambla Primary Care Center in Sant Feliu de Llobregat. (+info)


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The Masnou City Council awards RUBATEC a public road maintenance contract -Lot 1




Masnou City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for maintenance, conservation and repair services for public roads in the municipality of Masnou -Lot 1. (+info)


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Montornès City Council awards RUBATEC the LED lighting of the Football Camp







The Montornès del Vallès City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the replacement works of the existing lighting of the football field 11 and the athletics track by LED lighting. (+info)


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Masnou City Council awards RUBATEC the lighting of the Football Field









The Masnou City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the supply and installation of outdoor lighting and the GLVO of the Masnou Football Field. (+info)


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PRBB awards RUBATEC a maintenance contract for the PRBB Building






PRBB, Barcelona Biomedical Research Park has awarded RUBATEC the contract for conservation, maintenance and repair works, including gardening works for the PRBB Building, located at 88 Dr. Aiguader street in Barcelona (and offices of the PRBB Consortium in at 80 Dr. Aiguader street in Barcelona). (+info)


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ATL awards RUBATEC the ATL North Zone network works contract










ATL, Ter-Llobregat Water Supply Entity, has awarded RUBATEC the contract for sectorization works of the ATL distribution network phase 1 (North Zone: Saint Quirze – Riera de Caldes).  (+info)


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Infraestructures.cat awards RUBATEC a fiber optic network works contract in Lleida




















Infraestructures.cat has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the execution of the works of the Fiber optic trunk Network in the province of Lleida F1b. Phase 3 Balaguer - les Avellanes section, Gerb section and Talarn section.  (+info)


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Adif awards RUBATEC the cleaning contract for Lot 3 Tarragona – Lleida












Adif has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the comprehensive provision of the cleaning service for stations in divisions 30 and 24 of the Northeast Stations Sub-directorate. Lot 3, Tarragona - Lleida area. (+info)


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Adif awards RUBATEC the cleaning contract for Lot 2 Barcelona



















Adif has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the comprehensive provision of the cleaning service for stations in divisions 30 and 24 of the Northeast Stations Sub-directorate. Lot 2, Barcelona area. (+info)


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The Cornellà City Council awards RUBATEC a contract for adaptation works of the Municipal Historical Archive









The Cornellà de Llobregat City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for adaptation works for the air conditioning installation of the Cornellà de Llobregat Municipal Historical Archive, located in the Cornellà Castle in the street Padre Jacinto Verdaguer s/n in Cornellà de Llobregat. (+info)


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BMA awards RUBATEC a street redevelopment contract in the Papiol municipality







BMA, Barcelona Metropolitan Area has awarded RUBATEC the redevelopment work on Abad Escarré, Barcelona, Padre Rull and Rafael Casanovas streets, in the Papiol municipal area. Phase I.(+info)


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The Premià de Mar City Council awards RUBATEC works to remove architectural barriers in the municipality







The Premià de Mar City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the removal of architectural barriers in various locations in the municipality of Premià de Mar. (+info)


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Infraestructures.cat awards RUBATEC Framework Agreement for RAM works. Lots 1 and 4












Infraestructures.cat has awarded RUBATEC the Framework Agreement for the contracting of the RAM works for public facilities of the Department of Education, with “Next Generation EU” funding, from the recovery aid for cohesion and the territories of Europe (ERDF REACT-EU) as part of the Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Code EDU-21902.

Lot 1: Territorial Services of the Baix Llobregat, and Barcelona-Counties

Lot 4: Maresme-Vallès Oriental and Vallès Occidental Territorial

Services. (+info)


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CHI awards RUBATEC a photovoltaic panel project for CAPs. Lots 4, 5 and 14


CHI, the Catalan Health Institute has awarded RUBATEC the project and construction contract for the supply and installation of photovoltaic panels for the Primary Care Centers of the Catalan Health Institute, Phase 2.

Lot 4: Lleida 1: Eixample, Tàrrega, Balafia-Pardinyes-Seca de Sant Pere, Primer de Maig, Alcarràs, Bordeta-Magraners, Bellpuig, Agramunt, La Granadella, Rambla de Ferran

Alt Pirineu i Aran: Oliana, Sort, El Pont de Suert

Lot 5: Catalunya Central: Sant Joan de Vilatorrada, Berguedà, Moià, Osona, Gironella, Anoia, Manlleu, Torelló, Roda de Ter, Tona, Puig-Reig, Sallent

Lot 14: Girona: Vila-roja, Dr. Jordi Nadal i Fàbregas, La Selva, Sarrià de Ter, Celrà, Dr. Joan Vilaplana, Blanes centre, Ernest Lluch, Güell, Arbúcies, Besalú, Roses. (+info)


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MAB awards RUBATEC, improvement works in the Park of Can Buxeres










MAB, the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona has awarded RUBATEC the contract for heritage improvement works for the Can Buxeres Park, in the municipality of Hospitalet of Llobregat. (+info)


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BIMSA awards RUBATEC works contract, "we protect schools" program. Lot 5















BIMSA has awarded RUBATEC the works related to the executive projects for the redevelopment of school environments included in the "protect schools" program (2022 actions) with sustainable public procurement measures. Lot num. 5 Sant Martí. (+info)


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Barcelona City Council awards RUBATEC the installation of electric chargers in the APRU




The Barcelona City Council has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the execution of the works for the installation of 10 electric chargers, in the APRU of the Urban Guard in the Free Zone, with sustainable public contracting measures. (+info)


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BMISA awards RUBATEC works to improve slopes in Horta-Guinardó


















BMISA, Barcelona of Municipal Infrastructures has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the works related to the executive project for the stabilization and improvement of several slopes in the Horta-Guinardó District in Barcelona, with sustainable public procurement measures. (+info)


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The Barcelona City Council awards RUBATEC a contract for improvement works on Idumea Street









Barcelona City Council, Horta-Guinardó District, Department of Internal Resources, has awarded RUBATEC the works contract for the improvement and expansion of the existing playground on Idumea Street in the Horta-Guinardó District of Barcelona. (+info)


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BMISA awards RUBATEC improvement works, Lot-3 Districts




Barcelona of Municipal Infrastructures, BMISA, has awarded RUBATEC the contract for improvement works in different areas of the city, within the maintenance plans of the Districts of the city of Barcelona. Lot-3, Sarriá-Sant Gervasi and Gracia. (+info)


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BMISA awards RUBATEC contract for photovoltaic installations of the FII Rooftop Plan - Lot 1








BMISA, Barcelona of Municipal Infrastructures, has awarded RUBATEC the works contract related to the projects of the photovoltaic installations for self-consumption of the FII Rooftop Plan, in the public facilities  from the Can Rectoret Neighborhood House. Lot 1. (+info)


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B:SM awards RUBATEC the renovation of the North Station DUM Area







B:MS, Barcelona of Municipal Services has awarded RUBATEC the contract for the renovation of the changing rooms and the briefing room in the DUM area at the North Station of Barcelona. (+info)


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BMA awards the UTE MANTENIMENT RONDES 2022 the integral maintenance of the rounds of Barcelona





BMA, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, has awarded the UTE MANTENIMIENTO DE INFRAESTRUCTURAS S.A. – SERVICIOS INTEGRALES DE MAINTENIMIENTO RUBATEC S.A. (abbreviated UTE MANTENIMIENTO RONDAS 2022) the comprehensive maintenance service for the Barcelona Ring roads and the municipal Section of the Gran Vía North. (+info)


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The City Council of Cornellà awards RUBATEC the renovation of Rambla Anselm Clavé












The Cornellà City Council has awarded RUBATEC the works contract for the executive reform project for the naturalization and partial prioritization of pedestrians on the Rambla Anselm Clavé (between Esplugues road and Doctor Carulla street) in Cornellà de Llobregat. (+info)


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