RUBATEC has obtained the certificate that accredits the Ethically and Socially Responsible Management System of SERVICIOS INTEGRALES DE MANTENIMIENTO RUBATEC, S.A. has successfully passed the implementation audit of the Forge SGE 21: 2017 Standard. 1st European norm certifiable in CSR that establishes the requirements that an organization has to meet to integrate social, environmental, and good governance challenges into its strategy and management, facilitating the integration of the organization's values in all its processes and activities.
This certification corresponds to the main transparency frameworks and reports to maximize synergies (Global Compact, GRI ...), being compatible with other Management Systems and their corresponding certifications in terms of Quality, Environment, Energy Efficiency, and Safety and Occupational Health, with which the company already has.
The Management has wanted to incorporate a responsible culture in the Organization and bet to make public the image of the company as responsible, innovative and sustainable within the sector in which it develops its activity. (+info)